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Gender Mainstreaming is the integration of the gender perspective into every stage of policy processes – design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation – with a view to promoting equality between women and men. It means assessing how policies impact on the life and position of both women and men – and taking responsibility to re-address them if necessary. This is the way to make gender equality a concrete reality in the lives of women and men creating space for everyone within the organizations as well as in communities – to contribute to the process of articulating a shared vision of sustainable human development and translating it into reality.“ (EU definition)

Our environment is also just conditioned by the social behaviour. We see many changeable points in all societal areas – also economical – after applying a Gender-Check.

We assess you to find suitable strategies, as well as in its implementation through the development of the necessary instruments. Our experience in the collaboration with municipalities, enterprises and institutions has shown many implementing possibilities.