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Energy management system, DIN EN ISO 50001, DIN EN ISO 50001:2018


Do your company need to implement an Energy Management System (EnMS)?

Do you are looking for an external Energy Manager?

Do you need support to carry out internal audits?

Do you want to develop further the Energy Management System of your company?


Dr. Balcazar supports your company with assessment at the introduction of the EnMs following the DIN EN ISO 50001 as well as at the further development, looking for the better performance indicators and / or as internal auditor. She is following the application of the Norm as teached by GUTcert Zertifizierungsgesellschaft GmbH.

We support your Energy Team at the introduction of this Norm, at the integration in existing Quality Management System following the DIN EN ISO 9001 and / or Environmental Management System following the DIN EN ISO 14001:2015. Our know-how helps at the preparation and carrying out of internal audits and at the preparation for the external audits. Your company can adapt to the new DIN EN ISO 50001:2018 with our support – using GAP audits.

We assess with the planing and carry out of the trainings of your personal and provide the necessary actualised training for all the departments.


We would be happy to prepare for your company an individualised offer
