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Our vision arose in 2005 originated by the acquired formation in the ECOPROFIT® Academy. Our main aim is to archive the efficiency in energy and resources use through analyze, as well as the implementation of environmental tools, counting on the implication and participation of the enterprises members.

These measures allow furthermore an economic saving, which benefits the involved organization. In essence, our work is based in the three pillars of sustainability: economy, environment and society.

The enterprises that decide to improve their interaction with the environment and embrace ENVIROpro’s support do not need to take their resources away from their main activities. On the contrary, the improvement of Environmental Management will return resources to the own company. We also support your enterprise by performing Energy Audits, implementing the Energy Management Norms DIN EN ISO 50001 /DIN 16247 or preparing Sustainability Reports.

Our leading motivation is to find sustainable solutions in the wide spectrum of possible measures: energy saving, better resources use, recycling, emissions reduction, environmental education, etc.

We would be appreciate if we obtained the opportunity to show you the existing potential in your company about energy and resources efficiency, no matter what industrie your enterprise belongs to.